RC Activities, Inc. Affiliated Program Resources 2022-2023

Welcome to the RC Activities, Inc. Affiliated Program

Administration Resource Page!

Welcome to the administration resource page in which you will find the administrative processes & forms for your youth ministry program or event affiliated with RC Activities.

This guidebook presents an overview of the standard affiliation practices, criteria, policy and procedures for all RC Activities, Inc. (“RC Activities”) affiliated programs (“program”). It is intended as a reference book for program administrators of RC Activities affiliated programs.  It is not intended to be a user’s manual as to “how” to implement the policies and procedures, but is rather a general guideline as to “what” the policies and procedures are, and a reference as to where to find the detailed procedure guides.  This guidebook is for use within RC Activities affiliated programs only and no pages or sections may be copied without first obtaining written permission from RC Activities, Inc.

Click on the link below to download the RC Activities Affiliation Guidebook.

Click Here  > RC Activities Affiliation Guidebook

Frequently accessed forms are listed below for your convenience.

ACTIVITY PERMISSION FORM - You will need to use the official RC Activities, Inc. permission forms for all retreats, camps, or activities that are not part of an annual program meeting.

PROGRAM PARTICIPATION PERMISSION FORM - You will need to use the official RC Activities, Inc. permission form for all your annual program members.

Download and read the following documents:

1.  Safe Environment Policy

2.  Code of Conduct

BANK ACCOUNT - You will need to use an RC Activities, Inc. bank account for the financial administration of your program. All program registration funds should be made payable to RC Activities, Inc. for deposit into your program's bank account.  If you do not have an RC Activities, Inc. bank account for your annual program, please email RC Activities Customer Service at [email protected].

VOLUNTEERS - ALL adult volunteers (18 and over) must complete the RC Activities volunteer certification process at https://rcactivities.com/volunteers.  Upon completion of the process and approval, a volunteer certificate will be issued that is valid for 3 years.   Click HERE to download Volunteer Process instructions which you can email to potential volunteers to assist them in the process.  

CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE REQUEST FORM AND INSTRUCTIONS - The instructions in this form will assist you in requesting a certificate of insurance from RC Activiteis, Inc. if required by the parish or school in which you are holding your weekly meetings.

For Challenge and Conquest Programs Please Note: Only those who have purchased an Annual Membership Package with Insurance and therefore hold a valid RC Activities Affiliated license are able to use the administrative documents and procedures contained in this guidebook and on this site. These forms are not intended for programs who have purchased a license only membership package through a parish, school, or other institution.   

If you have any questions about any of the above administrative processes, please contact customer service at [email protected]. or call (855) 556-6872 Ext 1.